The Story of God With Morgan Freeman Christian Review

The Story of God with Morgan Freeman (TV Series 2016–2019) Poster

10 /10

Excellent series with high potential

I unremarkably don't write stuff on IMDb simply i felt like this series is going a little unnoticed so here goes:

I just finished the offset episode and it was amazing! Kickoff i should tell that I'yard a Muslim and i've been looking for something like this in a really long time. A documentary nigh religions and different aspects of them, without taking whatsoever side on what'south right or wrong, only informing people about what's going on with people of other nations.

Once again Morgan Freeman plays the role of the narrator astonishingly. We run across him travel around the world and get familiar with different beliefs and cultures. Information technology doesn't matter if yous're a Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian or even a non-believer, this series takes y'all on an epic journeying to see other cultures and history of the world. Definitely a must encounter and a masterpiece.

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10 /ten

Amazing Unbiased wait at aspects that plague our minds from all around the world and time including in depth looks at what all religions believe on these topics

First off I do not review many shows because unremarkably people understand and get the gist from other review, synopsis, and summaries. Unfortunately information technology appears that people are getting a lot of misconceptions about this show. This is an amazing in depth look at major aspects that we think nearly today from all religions around the world including some that do not exist anymore, but that have some of information technology's rituals and teachings still around. This is as well a hands on feel with Morgan Freeman as he travels everywhere there is or has been a major or sometimes minor religion that impacts the way we think of these certain issues today. The title of an episode pretty much sums upwards what they will be going in depth to find out well-nigh. I was skeptical before watching this for the first time thinking they were simply going to tell the story of the Judaeo- Christian God story and nix more, merely I was so pleasantly surprised when watching this. Every time when talking with a new organized religion they don't simply go off the book in which information technology is taught by but past some of the highest elders and priests associated with that religion and get the real information of what they believe in the topic being covered. I honestly cannot retrieve of a better way this could have been done and if you scout this with an open heed you lot volition be blown away at how well it is washed. I am certain we all know parts some religions and what they believe simply practice you know what they truly believe about the afterlife, creation, why evil exists, what they think about miracles, and much more than? From Christian, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism, and many many more nosotros learn what their truthful beliefs on each topic is from a non-biased investigator and the ones that devote their life to the teachings. If y'all are interested in true factual agreement from religious and scientific aspects of the biggest topics that plague our minds since people began to call up nearly what is out there then I would highly suggest checking this documentary series out whenever you tin.

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10 /10

A smart take on "Organized religion OF GOD"

As non a very adherent strict-practicing Hindu, my interest was to know the fundamental evolution of the concept of God along with the development of humanity. The serial brilliantly takes into considerations the various belief system followed past various religions on the planet. It was very interesting to run across the inclusion of the beliefs of natives in various episodes. The serial questions various key questions an educated mind can remember about. Apparently the series are not for the close minded believers and may be offensive to them at one or other indicate, but for a cosmopolitan human being the serial really throw light on the very existence of various Human faiths. Kudos for all associated with the series.

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3 /10

Meh, I'k existence kind to a show which really needs ameliorate research

The Story of God explores the various levels of society and God. This mini series is not as good as The Story of Us because it is filled with fallacies galore. Every episode fails considering they are using too many assumptions and do not ask critical questions about each faith and traditions. I tin not approve this series. It lacks disquisitional thinking and doesn't challenge plenty the ideas and beliefs of the people. Information technology assumes that in that location are super natural beings in the Universe, jumping in and out of our lives helping united states with finance, health and love. Deplorable Morgan, but this one sucked.

(edit) I watched flavor 3 and I was disappointed that they weren't more scientific near the subjects. I believe that the producers are attempting to get a college approving from the religious. Some times the truth hurts and hiding it makes you an enabler.

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iii /10

Islam'southward belief about life subsequently death+apocalypse is missing.

In episode well-nigh apocalypse , which I liked but for Islam They said " for a tiny groups" in islam...they call back blah blah blah and they testify ISIS Which was a expert part Only They besides had to talk about what'due south written in Quran or what's prophet said , even me as Muslim i was curious and wanted to encounter more than , and so much more than than seeing what a tiny group of terrorists think....? plus not having annihilation virtually islam in beginning episode " afterlife" i experience they didn't really carp to search more than.

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9 /ten

Was a great six episodes.

Alarm: Spoilers

Those who judged on one episode are missing out on the rest of them. While I may not agree on all aspects of each, I did learn a lot about religions I had very little knowledge almost. I suppose you would have to be open minded in gild to savor the show. I certainly hope they continue the series to explore other religions and to go farther with exploring the possibilities of a God or supreme being. 6 episodes doesn't begin to touch the realm of it all. I am more than open to acquire other religions and cultures than I was before. I believe that this series was designed to educate, explore, and make known other religions and cultures, not but answer the question if God exists and who he/she is. Some questions take no answers only it's fun to talk about and discuss.

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1 /10

"In search of..." the unsolvable

"In search of..." the unverifiable, the immeasurable, the illogical and, consequently, the unsolvable and the inhuman.

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5 /10


At first it may seem great and highly-seasoned. However, it is but hiding backside the facade of great and admired narrating vocalisation (Morgan Freeman). The documentary doesn't answer whatever of our or Freeman's questions.

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3 /10

Very disappointing

I dear Morgan Freeman, and actually thought he was an atheist or at to the lowest degree doubter.... I wanted to watch this to learn more nigh all types of organized religion. I thought it was going to be an un-biased approach to religion, in a fair and open fashion....

"At that place are billions of us on this plant. It's difficult to believe nosotros all came from Adam and Eve... merely WE DID"!

I mean... where is whatsoever Prove to back it up? Firstly it's scientifically impossible for this to take been the case, as we would all be inbred. This fact wasn't explored at all. Neither was development. The "scientific experiments" were not controlled, and therefore proved nothing. At that place wasn't a scrap of actual evidence in the plan. Just somehow Morgan told the story equally though he had proof - just because writings thousands of years old said so- If that's the case, perhaps Harry Potter will exist the next coming of Jesus in 1000 years time?

I'yard happy to listen to religious beliefs.. but not if they are described as fact.

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8 /10

I Loved This Show!

To be articulate. I do not practice religon in anyway, nor do i condem it, if you are religious and that is helping you in living a better and happier life, and so I'k HAPPY for you, you found something in your life that gives you lot comfort and makes life a picayune easier :)

That'due south what a want for all humans on this planet.

Await, set aside race, religon, jobs, economi, borders etc etc. It IS HARD Being A Human being BEING, information technology actually really is. Where e'er you lot grow-upward or end up.

Wait, I try being a good person, i'm not racist, or sexist, If I see something wrong or someone being treated incorrect in front of my optics I intervene, I treat anybody the same until proven otherwise, I take no anger in my heart. I become angry sometimes, I party and hang out with my friends, become to work every solar day, working generally sucks, but I do information technology anyway,

seeing people happy is a great feeling, seeing people sad or worse is very very unpleasant.

I did not learn this in a book. I learned it by interacting with all kinds of people through out my life, and just a existence part of this world.

Morgan Freeman, is openminded, kind, and respectful in all his encounters with people from all walks of life. WHEN you human action this whey torwards people you tin enquire the heavy questions, the sensitive questions, and get true and honest respond in return.

THE REASON for this is because the question is comming from the correct identify. And Morgon Freeman does this BRILLIANTLY, he is informed and insightful, and conveys his questions every bit a true getlemen and a class act all the way.

This is a really interesting documentary on the human condition and our ways of dealing with Prelife - Life - Living - Death - The Afterlife.

To exist honest, I don't care what happens after I die. Information technology does not scare me nor does it please me. Information technology is what it is, and it happens when it happens, and I'm OK with that.

Rated it nine/10

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about religion

Not as preach. not as system. only as source of answers. as back up for questions. equally axis of variety who becomes, episode by episode, the bones piece defining u.s.. for many reasons, Morgan Freeman is the best invitee of this trek around the cultures, civilizations, religions, personal stories, adventures and questions. because the purpoise is not to demonstrate or to justify. only , to testify. the essence of humanity. the links between people. the way to translate presence of God in every day life. so, a serie. a real usefull one. for discover the world. for define tolerance. and for meet God near y'all. from special perspective.

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8 /10

A must see!

Warning: Spoilers

No thing what our faith is or weather you are skeptic, this show takes you to an eye opening journey through Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Budizm and major ancient behavior (Mayan, Egyption, Aborigine).

It observes the prime number aspects of all by comparing to one another, reveals the commonalities and differences of those on some certain problems with the participation of a broad range of experts ranging from university professors to doctors to archaeologists and anthropologists.

Points out our never-ending endeavour to define our place in the universe.

Pushes yous to think how cultures, politics and aboriginal understanding - or misunderstanding - of astronomy play role on evolving the beliefs and shaping today's understanding of creation, god, death, life...

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10 /10

Splendid and Unbiased View on Beliefs

I am an atheist and I do not believe in the being of God. Spirituality is about finding the greatness within yourself. If there is whatsoever god in this world; it is your mother and male parent.

And introspection leads to abundance of cognition. I found this series brilliant. It does non get preachy and information technology gives subtle hints towards superstitious beliefs. Morgan freeman has a soothing vocalization and he is bright in every episode. I honey the ending quote in every episode

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eight /ten

Baha'i faith missing

Special thanks for producing the program that presents your quest to find out how most religions depict "life afterwards death", what unlike civilizations thought well-nigh the act of "creation", "devil" and other big questions of mankind. You accept excitingly discussed topics from the perspective of unlike sciences and different religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, ....), direction that fewer researcher actually has (If we don't count fanatic researches that redirect the truth and do not have holistic arroyo) and especially in order to have authenticated result. Unfortunately absenteeism of "Baha'i faith" and its practical visions those are related to puberty period of human civilization is obvious and questionable. Religion must conform to science and reason, otherwise, information technology is superstition and in render, the nowadays scientific view is not always right, neither is truth but limited to what science tin can explicate. It is less than one calendar month that I take institute this special series simply equally yous are using reasoning powers to understand the truths ,it is really attractive to me and I am impatiently waiting for releasing next season of this serial including baha'i opinions included.

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1 /10

Missed opportunity, lazy tourism.

What a missed opportunity. This series seems to shoot some nice 'selfies' and ads sensational music in the background to elevator it upward furher, while at that place is well-nigh no content or depth. Information technology's only air and sensation. It is embarrassing to see Yard. Freeman speak with (at least some) seemingly knowledgeable people and show this little interest in anything in depth. An eight yo could take enquired with more excitement and ameliorate results. This reminds me of lazy disinterested tourism. Why fifty-fifty bother visiting these places if this is all you end up reporting? I call up M. Freeman is a not bad actor, merely this serial is not a success.

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8 /ten

Religion explained in an entertaining way

Morgan Freeman's series is a wonderful endeavor to capture religion in an entertaining way. The topic is very complex, and still Freeman manages to reach the viewer with his storytelling. Each episode has a focus, with everything following an overall concept. I take rarely had such an accessible intellectual conversation.

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ix /10

The divine Morgan Freeman

Nearly of the content of this prove - religions other than Christianity, Judaism, Native American religions and paganism - isn't really my bag, and it gets repetitive a lot, with many overlapping topics in the different episodes. Only I watched it anyway just because it's hosted by the preternatural and numinous Morgan Freeman. He's got an imposing face and a regal phonation like no other and so much so I seize every opportunity to scout and listen to him. No wonder Freeman was one of the few actors ever cast every bit the Omnipotent himself!

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8 /10

Good serial, just a scrap repetitive

The bear witness covers a great deal of topics and different religions and belief systems, but it is quite repetitive. The overall bulletin is very positive and the overall tone is unbiased, but many of the shows repeat the aforementioned exact themes and knowledge.

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10 /10

A deep and complete view

A deep and complete view on the various aspects of human spirituality and religions of the world.

And who else could exist amend suited to present this show other than Morgan Freeman, the 'Vocalization of God' from Hollywood.

A nice series, in which we could see that even if we are and so dissimilar in faiths, we are much alike in the ways our faiths tell us virtually who God is.

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1 /x


All kind of statements are made by all kinds of people (experts?). All MF says is that he finds things amazing, But he never asks the logical question: how do yous know all this? Peradventure there's proof or at least a reasonable amount of indications. But they are never shown. It'southward like reading a gossip magazine. You read it because y'all've got nothing better to do, but y'all don't remember a single particular. A total waste of time.

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10 /ten

I liked

I liked the start installment of this series. Morgan Freeman's soothing and questioning voice lured me into an age-old pursuit: the big 'Q' regarding the big 'Yard''. MF touched on some of the bigger religion's views on an afterlife. When discussing God, the time to come surely comes into play. Of course, this was just an intro into the whole God question and the myriad subtopics it conjures up. However, I similar where it's headed and expect forward to seeing more. It actually (quite refreshingly) gave my spiritual skepticism a light at the finish of the tunnel to ponder, which in turn fabricated me feel less skeptical and more spiritual. Likey.

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vi /ten

Fairly entertaining, but could have been so much more

Who doesn't similar Morgan Freeman??? I had loftier hopes for this programme, just I must say it cruel a bit curt. Master reason for this is the repetitiveness that the show has. The shows does touch on a few different religions that span the epochs, simply really information technology concentrates on a very minor few. If you're looking for a high level understanding of various religions and their dogma and behavior about god, this will involvement you lot. For those of you lot who might take wanted a much more detailed account of numerous religions and how they interpret god differently, you lot might exist left wanting as I was.

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ane /10


Imagine you haven't had anything to consume in the by x days and when you finally find something to eat... it's a plate of leaves! That's exactly the feeling I'g left with afterwards watching an episode of this series. I was hungry for knowledge and got served a plate of superficial blabla. How can you cover, for instance, an extensive topic, such as the meaning of death in a certain religion in 4 minutes? or even x? At that place's too something about Morgan Freeman'south facial expressions and some of his comments during the interviews that doesn't feel right. Bye, Morgan, you've disappointed me this time!

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3 /10

Episode one was non about God at all

Warning: Spoilers

Watched Episode 1 on 4/3/xvi of "The Story of God" with Morgan Freeman. Didn't know what to expect except that I thought it would cover beliefs almost the divine from primeval times. This showtime episode had nothing to practice with God. It was nearly humans and their beliefs nigh the afterlife which, although most people who believe in an afterlife also believe in at to the lowest degree one divinity, has no necessary connection to gods or belief in a god.

Regarding afterlife itself, the relatively infinitesimal numbers of accounts of people who have technically died and came back to life, reporting certain experiences, is no proof at all of the following claims made past guests: 1. that anybody who has died or who will die had or will have this apparent sort of experience of afterlife wherein people receive them into the Sky-like "place" 2. that the experiences are of people and a "place" that are real beyond human life in this world and are not merely subjective experiences that humans accept, and 3. that belief in the afterlife began in aboriginal Arab republic of egypt. This claim is certainly false. We have discovered many graves tens of thousands of years old that incorporate artifacts useful to the deceased in the next life.

And so, for this episode at to the lowest degree, the title was totally misleading. Plus, it contained plenty mistakes and was shallow enough that I'chiliad totally uninspired to watch any more of information technology.

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2 /10

Information technology is not Cosmos

They missed the opportunity to requite us some other summit notch serial similar to Cosmos. Freeman was amazed by simple things or words that nosotros have seen since we were kids. The conversation should have been more in-depth with more controversial and scientific questions and remarks. Give thanks you.

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